Mid-Term Break
A reminder that the school will be closed next week for the mid-term break from from Monday, 31st October to Friday, 4th November inclusive. Afterschool @ KETNS will offer a four-day camp from Tuesday to Friday. School resumes on 7th November.

Halloween Fancy Dress
A reminder that children are invited to dress up this Friday. As it will be an ordinary learning day, it would be wise to bear this in mind when choosing a costume. A reminder that nothing resembling a weapon be brought into the school. Also, children can bring in donation for Irish Red Cross and also one treat for themselves.

School Photos Day
County Photos will be at the school on Tuesday, 8th November to take indvididual and class photos.

Parent Survey
We are coming to the close of a three-year school improvement process related to maths teaching and learning in the school. Please follow this link for the survey: https://forms.gle/A59iRAoKdzMvj1Yj7. We are seeking parents perspectives and kindly invite you to complete an online survey. The survey also has some questions related to homework, child protection and bullying. If you haven’t already, please check out the new page on our website intended to help parents support children’s learning related to maths: www.ketns.ie/maths-portal.

Scholastic Books
You still have two more days to put in an order for Scholastic Books. The easiest method is to visit this website, https://schools.scholastic.ie/knocknacarraetns/digital-book-club, to browse the books and pay with a credit card. The deadline is this Thursday.

Board of Management Reports
Recent reports from the Board of Management are now available on the school’s website. More will be added in the near future. Please visit


Child Safeguarding Statement
The Child Safeguarding Statement which explains the procedures in place in our school to ensure adequate child protection, has had its annual review by the Board of Management. It is available on the school’s website.

Many thanks to the parent volunteers who are working hard to develop the garden areas around the school. While the harvest was small, onions that were planted last summer were used by the afterschool to make dinner recently.

The visits to Baboró were great for all involved. It also gave classes the opportunity to visit other sites in the city centre