World Children’s Day
Sunday is World Children’s Day, the anniversary of the UN Convention on Child Rights. The school will celebrate this occasion on Monday as we officially launch our work towards becoming a Child Rights School, a UNICEF programme. Children and staff are asked to wear blue on Monday to mark the occasion. We will have a visit from Her Worship the Mayor of Galway, Clodagh Higgins. Then, there will be a child take-over week where children will teach lessons throughout the week and take turns being principal for an hour. On Tuesday our school will be broadcasting
on Flirt FM ( between 6 and 8 pm. Each class has chosen two songs that have a good message about child rights, and two children from each class will introduce them on the radio. Many thanks to the Student Council for organising these events.

Parent-Teacher Meetings
Parent-Teacher Meetings will take place on Tuesday, 29th November from 15.00- 19.00 and Thursday, 1st December from 15.00-18.00. Parents can sign up using
the Aladdin Connect App or website. Families with siblings will be able to sign up from today to help facilitate organising the meetings near the same time. All others can sign up from Tuesday. There will be an option to have a face-to-face meeting or a phone call, so please indicate if you prefer a phone call when making a parent-teacher appointment.

Maths School Improvement Plan
For the past three years, the school has been implementing an improvement plan related to maths teaching in the school. Attached to the newsletter is a follow-up report that summarises the progress made over the last three years. Sincere thanks to everyone for their efforts, especially the staff, parents and students, who managed to make great progress in the midst of the navigating the challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year our focus for school self-evaluation will be looking at our ethos in practice as an Educate Together school. We will be surveying parents soon.

School Committees
As you may be aware, there are six school committees in the school that are currently comprised of pupils and staff members. We are looking to see if some parents might like to join the committees. The six committees are Active Flag, Creative Schools, Gaelbhratach, Green Schools, STEM Committee and Student Council. No special knowledge or experience is required other than a desire to become involved in these projects. We currently meet approximately once a month from 13.40-14.20 on Thursdays. Please speak to Matt or reply to this email.

End-of-Term Assemblies and Potlucks
We are delighted to be returning to having in-person assemblies and potlucks with families to mark the end of the term. We will schedule these during the third full week of December. They will take place around mid-day so that parents might be able to schedule their lunch hour to attend. The exact dates and times will be
in the next newsletter.

Science Week
All the classes marked Science Week by doing experiments, investigations and online workshops. As part of Friday’s assembly, 6th Class did a demonstration for the school