Parent Teacher Association AGM
Thank you to all the parents who attended the first Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) meeting this past week. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been scheduled for Tuesday, 24th October at 19.00 at the school. Officers and committee members will be selected. All are welcome to attend.

Walk to School Week
Walk to School week runs from 2nd to 6th October and is a five-day celebration of walking. We encourage you to get active and walk to school instead of being driven.
Cappagh Park is always available for “park and stride” in the mornings and afternoons. Walking to school is one of the best ways to start the day with multiple benefits to children’s physical and mental health. It also has a positive impact on academic performance and behaviour with higher levels of concentration and focus. We would love to see your photos celebrating National Walk to School week. Please send them to

Junior Infants presenting a poem at Friday’s assembly

Cross Country Semi-finals
Twelve children represented the school at the Cross Country Semi-finals this past week. They all ran their races very well. We’re particularly delighted that Isaac
has qualified for the finals next week.

Schools GAA Programme
We’re delighted to have started a new Gaelic Athletic Association school programme in cooperation with Salthill-Knocknacarra GAA Club. Many thanks to Mark,
the volunteer parents and the students from St Mary’s College who are leading the activities. We’re delighted to be able to use the Knocknacarra Community Centre for
the sessions. Senior Infants and First Class are taking part now, and we hope to have other classes involved soon.

Board of Management
Parents are invited to express an interest in standing for nomination and election to the Board of Management via email to Matt or Claudia by Friday, 5th October. Being on the Board gives a unique insight into how the school runs day-to-day, how decisions are made and what the school is working on. Schools cannot run without a Board of Management, and without two parent volunteers (one male, one female) willing to give their time, the Board cannot be formed. Meetings take place monthly during term-time and last approximately one hour. If you’re worried about any barrier to joining, such as time, language or skills, please have a chat with Matt or one of the current Board Members. Every parent has something to offer the Board of Management, and we hope many of you will consider it

Our Friday yard disco was in full swing with the beautiful sunny weather