Bizzy Breaks or movement breaks have always been used throughout the school day to help our students to take a few minutes while they are busy learning. It’s a few minutes of physical activity which help break up the school day in addition to yard dreaks and PE.

Teachers and SNAs also sometimes need these little breaks to help them recharge and carry on. Here is photographic proof that Bizzy Breaks can be enjoyed by all!

At a recent whole-school staff meeting Matt broke the meeting up a bit by initiating the first Bizzy Break.

First we got into the mood by stretching while still sitting at our desks.

Then we stood up and punched it out.

High Knees really got the heart going.

We cooled down by stretching our arms again before getting back to work.

Our second Bizzy Break tested our coordination.

Teachers and SNAs were asked to point their left hand index finger while holding their right hand thumb up, then point their right hand index finger while holding their left hand thumb up and then alternate these on the left then right hands continuously.

Things got very confusing!

Our third and last Bizzy Break had the staff up and about doing silly and funny “dad” dance moves. Great fun was had by all.