The Green School Committee has been working hard to replace the use of items in the school that are single-use, especially those made out of plastic. This is to reduce our waste while also acknowledging the long-term environmental damage connected with single-use items, especially those made from plastic.

We enjoy having our potlucks after assemblies. Rather than purchase disposable plates, cups and cutlery each time, we have invested in reusable items.
Many classes were using twistables, which are made of plastic and not recyclable. The Green School Committee has opted to switch to coloured pencils, and we put the shavings into the compost.
The Breakfast Club and Afterschool save most food waste and add it to a compost bin.
Whiteboard markers, while very useful, are not recyclable. We sourced some whiteboard markers that used exchangeable cartridges to limit the amount of plastic going to landfill.
Prior to the pandemic, we had washable towel rolls. In the interest of hygiene, it was necessary to source other towels. We have found biodegradable paper towels made entirely from recycled paper.
Classes are also used materials designated for recycling or the landfill to create art pieces like these impressive Viking long ships made by 3rd Class.